Storm Waters novel cover: Above a sea green background the name "Kat Richardson" in Yellow deco-style font" with the title "Storm Waters" in white at the bottom and a quote from Cherie Priest saying "A pitch-perfect killer noir." Curling around three sides of the cover is a navy blue skeleton of some giant reptile lying beneath the water; a skeletal human hand reaches up from the creature, poised to snatch a small white speed boat from the surface as it races up the cover from the O in Storm toward the author's name above. at the very bottom of the cover are the words "A new thriller by the National Bestselling Author of Greywalker."

Events 2024!

Oh, my gosh! I’ve been so busy updating the Events page here! and there’s been so much happening all of a sudden that I’ve really fallen behind about posting. So let me round this up for all y’all:

Storm Waters is still on track for a mid-November release, but pre-release copies may be available in October at OryCon, October 18-20 (find me and I’ll tell you if we got any to the show and where to get them) and I’ll also be reading from the book on that Sunday. I’ll be reading from the book at Noir at the Bar in Seattle on October 24 at the Alibi Room under Pike Place Market. And I’ll be hanging out and signing books with author Tamara Kaye Sellman at Saltwater Bookshop in Kingston WA November 23. For more information, see the Events page!

Check back for more events, if I can wrangle some.

Oh yeah: and Storm Waters got it’s first review. A very nice little tease from Fran Fuller at Seattle Mystery Bookshop Newsletter. Scroll down to the “What We’ve Been Up To” section and look for Fran’s tag and the title “She’s Back!”


Sometimes Life Sucks:

I have had to withdraw from Norwescon this year for personal and family reasons. This is no reflection on the convention or the organizers. It’s just a thing. Sorry I won’t be able to see all of y’all and talk about books and related insanity.

isolated figure huddled in a corner of an empty brick-walled room


New Info and Changes

New information for Squatchcon, and Left Coast Crime has been posted to the Events Page.

Pretty exciting stuff for me: teaching a Magic Systems Workshop at SquatchCon, as well as hosting a Writers Meetup there and speaking on some cool panels. Some small changes to a reading at  Norwescon, and updates on the Left Coast Crime panels I’ll be on in April. Check it out!


Norwescon Reading (was March 29)

So, due to some personal stuff, I had to ask for a change to my reading schedule at Norwescon. I am still going to read an excerpt from Storm Waters, but it’ll be Thursday night instead of Friday afternoon.

Change info: Reading (Storm Waters novel excerpt) Thursday March 28, 7:00PM-7:30PM in Cascade 3. Because this is later, the reading will be R-rated so, now you know.

See the Event Page for additional information.

If you miss it and really really wanted to hear me read, drop a comment and I’ll see if I can work something out to create little “extra time with Kat” thing during the Con.


Getting up to No Good!

I’ve received information and posted what I can confirm of my Spring Convention and Events schedule. So if you want to catch up to me in March or April this year, visit the Events Page! I’m really excited to be teaching some writing and editing workshops, chatting with writers and fans, moderating and speaking on panels, and hanging out with some really cool folks around Western Washington! Hoping to see some of you out in the Wilds of Western Washington this Spring!

A distant view of a young blond woman wearing a backpack as she jumps joyously into the air along a dirt path lined with fir trees that leads down the the ocean in the distance.