A small Pachira Aquatica or "money tree" in a blue cermaic pot sits on a rustic table in front of a white wall with a colorful metal sun in the background

Next Steps Post-Transplant

Richie/Jim will be discharged from the hospital Monday! I’m packing like mad for our temporary move to transitional housing for a while. So much to do! I can’t wait for him to be up and about, even if he has to be very careful of his health and stamina for a few months. He’s itching to get back into the kitchen! I’m just excited to have him “home” even if home is a temporary apartment. Still a lot of work to do, but we’re both so grateful to everyone who’s helped us make it this far along the path.

Here is the lovely Pachira Aquatica gifted to Jim in commemoration of his donor.


Major Milestone!

On Tuesday, we got the news of a potential transplant organ. Tuesday evening the Transplant staff confirmed that Richie was the right match and surgery was scheduled for first thing on Wednesday. Everything went very well and as of 10PM Wednesday, he was in ICU for his first phase of recovery! We are totally amazed at the speed with which this journey reached such a long-hoped-for milestone. There’s still more to come with recovery, adjustment to his new liver, and the major changes in both our lives, but we have wonderful friends and family supporting us, even though there’s still a lot of road to cover.

We’re so grateful to the family of the donor whose selflessness has given Richie a chance for a longer, healthier life as the custodian of this precious gift. We extend our condolences for the loss of their loved one along with heartfelt thanks.